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Ivan Nebraska

Server rules adjustments

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Due to the increasing number of complaints about twink farms, we are implementing a new rule:

4.26. Farming game resources from 6 or more accounts on one PC at the same time is prohibited.
Note: Considering that it is common for players to have several accounts with twinks for farming, we are highlighting 4 additional accounts in addition to the main account.
This rule was created as a measure to fight with farms.
Punishment: From a warning to a permanent block of all accounts.

Farm bans were issued regularly even before its official implementation, the rule would become more of an additional information for players.

A note was added to rule 3.1:

Note 3: The use of game errors is also considered to be an accidental or intentional character lag - when a character cannot take damage.
A block will be applied if there is video evidence showing that the character cannot be damaged, while the player ignores messages about re-entering the game during 1 minute period.

There have already been cases of blocking for this exploit, we just described the blocking principle more clearly.

Write your thoughts about rule 4.26, further adjustments are possible.

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Bots bring 0 value to the game. They take the economy down and they occupy the spots that are already limited.

1. It is not enough that players have to fight organized guilds occupying spots - good for the guilds here that they know how to play and manage themselves,

2. But now they have to fight with hundreds of DLJW27, 26, 17 chars which bring what value? 

Decent would be 2 max 3 windows. U have a SM and want to grow a BK, ok 1 extra window. Or a BK and Elf for whatever reason, let's say ok as well, even though 3 windows sounds much as well. I go to BC and there is dude dragging 4 chars after him with follow and 0 items...

Something must be done unless u want to end up a bot server. 

As well give us the opportunity to freely PK these bots, if the community does not harass them they will never leave. In Ikarus there is almost always a DL on a spot at the beginning farming with a bot name, I always PK him when I see him there. He does not belong in the game. Funny you now only see them in 90% of the cases in Tarkan and 10% in Atlans and Ikarus. 0 bots on other maps though.


Edited by unair
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Would be awesome if you would make section to report those bots whitout need of having achievment points for exemple i found elfs with similar nicks in LT7 Tarkan And Atlans full inventory with jewels and boxes and there was no option for me to report them >?!

Here is the screen of the ones that are in lt7 


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On 6/24/2024 at 11:51 PM, edzayo said:

Could you elaborate what is considered "farming game resources" ?
zen / jewels / ba / leveling up / doing referals / ET / guild quests / etc...

It was created to fight Jewels and Zen farms. Though potentially might be applied to all game resources, if necessary

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16 hours ago, elvis112 said:

Would be awesome if you would make section to report those bots whitout need of having achievment points for exemple i found elfs with similar nicks in LT7 Tarkan And Atlans full inventory with jewels and boxes and there was no option for me to report them >?!

Here is the screen of the ones that are in lt7 


I suppose you can pm Drakonis directly

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Upgraded version:

4.26. Farming of game resources from 7 or more accounts simultaneously per beneficiary is prohibited.

Note: Considering that it is common for players to have several accounts with twinks for farming, we are highlighting 5 additional accounts in addition to the main account.
This rule was created as a measure to fight with farms.
Note 2: The ban is applied by the principle of checking accounts for transferring gained resources to 1 main account.

Punishment: From a warning to a permanent block of all accounts.

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On 6/26/2024 at 3:19 PM, rufus7 said:

just better make from 1 pc = 2 accounts, 1 for play and 1 for farm, thats all, no need more!

Since MU community likes to create twink accounts, we still allow more than 2

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maybe the best would be a maximum of 5 cc, it is very fun to see how someone runs with 5-7 char behind for a bc

main+4 char or 5 char twink for party(referrals),since they decide how to play but it will remain the same if the maximum is 7 accounts 😂

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But why do you need 4 chars to grow at the same time? If you grow them 1 by 1 it is ok, but then again why do you need to grow a char?

You get bonus XP when you create a new char, you already have another main char with 100 RRs let's say so you have the possibility to farm items or craft them... Everything you need is accessible for new beginners, even quests. Why do you need to drag 5-7 chars after you in BC? 

So that you can sell them later on in the market or what is the point behind it? They can reset by themselves, they can do quests by themselves, they can do everything by themselves, this is not WOW.

When I started on this server I dressed from Hears and Medals and I voted and I purchased 2 Grade A sets for 2 different chars and few other sets of lower grade without anyone growing me. The hardest thing was to get Zen because ppl PK you when they see you with Rudolf, but other than this I don't see any problem.

Like what is the point of this? Even 6 simultaneous windows is a lot in my opinion, you can't play 5 chars at once unless ur Eddie Murphy.

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3 hours ago, Ivan Nebraska said:

Upgraded version:

4.26. Farming of game resources from 7 or more accounts simultaneously per beneficiary is prohibited.

Note: Considering that it is common for players to have several accounts with twinks for farming, we are highlighting 5 additional accounts in addition to the main account.
This rule was created as a measure to fight with farms.
Note 2: The ban is applied by the principle of checking accounts for transferring gained resources to 1 main account.

Punishment: From a warning to a permanent block of all accounts.

This rule is really well thought .
With rule like this you could even go lower than 5 , although if you want to push referalls or make 5 new characters for gold party , then 5 is the sweetspot ! 👍

Conclusion : 
While you can operate more than six accounts, you must ensure that the resources gathered by these accounts are not transferred to a single account or used in a way that benefits one account disproportionately. Each account should manage and use its resources independently to stay within the rules.
Do i understand it correctly? 

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6 hours ago, edzayo said:

Conclusion : 
While you can operate more than six accounts, you must ensure that the resources gathered by these accounts are not transferred to a single account or used in a way that benefits one account disproportionately. Each account should manage and use its resources independently to stay within the rules.
Do i understand it correctly? 

In this case you do not need a main char that will grow other chars. You can do this with 1 single char that has 0 resets. There is no obstacle in obtaining anything: Jewels, items, quests, XP literally if you start now a new char you have access to all content with small exceptions here and there.

What is the point of growing 5 chars at the same time when the end game has nothing to offer? You reach end game and then what? You have no sets, no drops, your char is not strong enough for PVP because you only farmed XP... 

And ppl that only have 1 account and grow separate chars in 1 account when they go to spot and they find a dude growing 5 accounts at once... How is this normal? Where is the free spot for the casual dude enjoying the game?

I play for maybe 2 years now and I'm still not close to lvl 3 wings and I'm active! Now imagine the dude that's rushing through the content. What kind of chars is he going to have? The only benefit here will be the numbers. 1 guy playing 5 accounts, statistically it will show a high population, but in reality proportion is 1 player to 5 bots so it will be a bot server.

You put yourself in a new player's position. You see this server and think OMG it has a high number of players and then you start playing and see that there is almost 0 interaction between players, majority of spots are taken by bot accounts, in BC one retard drags 5 other cars after him so you can't party with him and he takes all your XP,  you cannot find a guild to join,  you get PK'd all the time for nothing and others. You will populate this server and game with ghosts that will push active ppl away. Look at the Tarkan screenshot, same players afk there will be on spots and there are already not enough spots. What is the plan here to push active and casual players towards VIP because casual zones are full with bots? How many bot accounts u say will pay for VIP? 0 that's how many.

This is not ok with allowing this many bot accounts...

Edited by unair

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14 hours ago, unair said:

But why do you need 4 chars to grow at the same time? If you grow them 1 by 1 it is ok, but then again why do you need to grow a char?

You get bonus XP when you create a new char, you already have another main char with 100 RRs let's say so you have the possibility to farm items or craft them... Everything you need is accessible for new beginners, even quests. Why do you need to drag 5-7 chars after you in BC? 

So that you can sell them later on in the market or what is the point behind it? They can reset by themselves, they can do quests by themselves, they can do everything by themselves, this is not WOW.

When I started on this server I dressed from Hears and Medals and I voted and I purchased 2 Grade A sets for 2 different chars and few other sets of lower grade without anyone growing me. The hardest thing was to get Zen because ppl PK you when they see you with Rudolf, but other than this I don't see any problem.

Like what is the point of this? Even 6 simultaneous windows is a lot in my opinion, you can't play 5 chars at once unless ur Eddie Murphy.

People usually farm zen and level their referrals. If we make restriction to 1 or 2 accounts, it will be much harder for free-to-play players to compete with donators. If we do so, we will be occused of complete pay-to-win model. 

12 hours ago, edzayo said:

This rule is really well thought .
With rule like this you could even go lower than 5 , although if you want to push referalls or make 5 new characters for gold party , then 5 is the sweetspot ! 👍

Conclusion : 
While you can operate more than six accounts, you must ensure that the resources gathered by these accounts are not transferred to a single account or used in a way that benefits one account disproportionately. Each account should manage and use its resources independently to stay within the rules.
Do i understand it correctly? 

Yes, this is why we have a word "beneficiary" inside of this rule. For example your entire family is farming zen and transfering to your main account (from 7+ accounts), you and your family members all will be banned. Doesn't matter if they use different PC's or IP's.

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