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About Smerdels

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  1. Smerdels


    Is this Nebraska the high admin, or there's semone higher then him ?
  2. Smerdels


    They don't give any kind of explanations, 🤠 Even if they BAN player's for fun like me for a month don't do nothing about it! 😄 😄 😄
  3. And Admins don't want to do nothing about this. I stayed offline for a month. Why exactly? I understand a day or two, mistake. Shit happens. small apologise understood. But such a long time, like dudes. ... Also, why would they close topics almost imidiatelly? Taking a fkin piss, that's what this stands for.
  4. Admins Admins Admins Admins , Who is responisble for my accounts block for a month? Witch admin exactly issued the ban? Why did the ban took place, the reason? Why did the ban took place without notice? What exact rules where broken from this particular account? You're just having a piss on players so far, or you can actually answer theese questions..
  5. Admins Admins Admins Admins , Who is responisble for my accounts block for a month? Witch admin exactly issued the ban? Why did the ban took place, the reason? Why did the ban took place without notice? What exact rules where broken from this particular account? You're just having a piss on players so far, or you can actually answer theese questions.. Simply just not gonna give a rat's ass about it?
  6. Let's continue the topic shall we.. So my account got banned with no reason, What rules did I broke? Why no admin contacted me? Why I couldn't enter the game for a month? Who's responsible for such actions ?
  7. So admins, do you give a fak about players or not? I'm having an issue FOR WEEKS, Question is, Why can't have attention to solve the prblem? Is there an admin who could possibly help me or not?
  8. Smerdels

    Let's do this

    What does that mean tho?
  9. Rules are rules here, I learned it on hard way too . Most likely they gonna tell you to fck off and wear glasses to read you know. But all the best to get them back! 🍻
  10. Let's sell/trade some dunk Storm breaker +11 Dmg rate 10% Inc.dmg.rate 2% Plate set +13 Ref,DD base some items +hp Dragon +11 Ref, DD Dark Scale +13 ref dd ALl of them +Yellow opc Then we have Command fruits about 70 peaces I'm looking for Strange fruits, gimme an offer. Just text me PM, here or on web. See you soon 😉 🍻
  11. Smerdels

    Let's do this

    Good hello, Afternoon good, I'm looking for sommeeee guildeeee, English speaking is my preference. All the best gents!
  12. Smerdels


    Dude relax, no need for pray 😄 They gonna do a great job, I promise you that 😉
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