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Everything posted by tttzzz10

  1. tttzzz10

    acc forum

    my forum account, I received a 3 week ban I think or something, the problem is that I can't log into the account for several days The account was in the last days of ban,I changed the password thinking I didn't remember it and I can't either. I would like to know what happened, if it is because of the ban that is fine, but in the first week, I could log into the account I'm not asking for my ban to be removed, I just want to know if it's because of the ban 😂 (I thought it was just ban chat and it doesn't count) @BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska
  2. all servers with 100 RR have the same RR system with Zen,i don't understand why they cry so much 😄 What's wrong guys, you got used to RRs like Avalonn/Jade and now you're crying because Zen is difficult, don't you know how to do quests or farm some Zen?
  3. EE 12zen don't ban but this person, maybe yes? 😄
  4. In this case, a random char appears modified but its main does not So with that rule, OG should also be banned even though nothing appears in the records They say they fix the desynchronization but it remains the same The ASTEROH video is from today but look how I can't even give a DMG hit and with MG's stupid skills, it seems like he takes advantage of some bug or uses some shit :)))))) from the 1st star to the 3rd star, my dmg did not appear and he moved stupidly :)) PS:This character was added to liveguard, only because 12zen wrote to the admin, it seems as if everything 12zen asks for, the admins comply
  5. but if that char doesn't do DMG, it's the same logic they're using with this EE character :))) In any case with MG Cerberus they should put him on the lifeguard list, as a dubious char, like they do with the rest of the people and they don't immediately give him a ban This 12zen SM is on the list as doubtful but with Cerberus, they definitely ban it, there are 2 same cases but one is punished differently :)))) ava7anche Grand Master Cheating software
  6. the influence of 12zen affects the decisions of the admins :))) send private message about something and immediately ban :))))))))))))))))
  7. the only justification is that it is EE :DD HEYY Raska,so an elf, can use justified macro, a new rule was invented 😄 this BK, received the same and did not do dmg, only afk inner KD i don't understand why sometimes you enforce the rules and other times you just want to ignore them like this tim @R.A.S.K.A We all play by the same rules, it doesn't matter if it's EE or some non DMG character (like atreides AFK), that bk got a ban quickly and didn't do any DMG, why should it be different for this character? that its damage is 0 like bk AFK :)))))))
  8. cool but instead of being in the forum, get your own char XD 😝
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