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About pagedown2

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  1. hello admin! please check and help me unband my id x777 id :vegas2bk I did not violate any rules of the game. it's just the game's fault. and I just help my friends to achieve completion. you have fixed the error. and I have not violated anything. please help me unban my id. i need my id to play. thank you!
  2. hello bro! please check my mg sever x777 -Ares-. i never use programe play this mu. you baned my mg with 560 bon to unban. you can check my pc via untra view or anything you want to check. but please check again and unban live guard with my mg and add again for me 560 bon that i used to unban my mg. i'm waiting your anwer thank you !
  3. good evening admin!
    i have mg x777  -Ares- . i play this mu from 2020. and i never use macro or cheat. i usually inbox with ivan about game. please check for me. no report in forum but my mg is band today. please help me unband

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pagedown2


      please check for me and delete this add liveguards. because i did'nt use any programe. 

    3. pagedown2


      @BeL4eNaK please check my message !

    4. pagedown2
  4. alo ivan. pls check discord kyang. 

  5. @BeL4eNaK, @Ivan Nebraska, @Aliancer
  6. my id zgame: storulis today 14:00 PM, i make link donate 5700pp. but when - 342 euro, i still recieve 0 pp. have fail in here. please check for me. i give you some information from bank. please check and add pp for me.
  7. WTF. i need this version =)) how he can do that .
  8. 1: LanhLung 2: Avalon 3: ??? 4 https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=-sUperRich&serv=server3 Hi, another videos for -sUperRich, using hacks again - here is the video of him killing BK(LanhLung) in split seconds, please explain how, some more people will add more videos about -sUperRich who was already banned on this server twice for hacking, please check him. My BK use : 2 ring poison + 15, Set Black Dragon 15 hdd, demon and wing3 +15.
  9. accepted. please admin help us!
  10. moreover he is a newbie to download mubles games. unaware of the prohibition laws. I will warn him carefully. please forgive him this time you can check ip to see he's new thank admin !
  11. he only ask price 500 vnd. it's not deal mate. you can't ban people from talking freely. You are too sensitive. This is not a transaction. he just asked
  12. pagedown2

    x50 Avalon 4.9

    1 18A-HQV2. server: AVALON X503. rule: 4.94. Nickname: many players AFK in TDM today. you can see in video5. Proof: (screenshot or video) : https://youtu.be/vQZ8rmt48s0
  13. please check ! @Ivan Nebraska
  14. @Ivan Nebraska please check for him
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