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About kamicat1

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  1. that's a good one.... if by alive you mean 80% of the server being bots, and the rest 19% is basically just free-to-play players that will achieve and gain nothing in this game because 10 specific people are controlling LITERALLY ALL the spawns of the rare mobs in the entire server, amassing literally every single possible shard drop and cc boxes and Relics and Swamp of Peace drops in the game, then yeah I guess its "alive", but in reality more like rotting.
  2. kamicat1

    Boss Shard x777

    That's because a select few individuals track the timings of the bosses and they know when they spawn, so they spread out in locations as a guild and kill them the moment they spawn. If you're hoping to kill Condor Beasts or any bosses that drop Shards for that matter as a casual player who isn't part of the top 2-3 guilds and haven't donated like 1000$ to be swimming in bonuses and gear, you basically got almost 0% chance to hunt them. Wait for new server to come out and all the "top" players will go there, Vegas will then become far more normal player friendly.
  3. nhớ mặt bố m do con súc vật dit ca ho m nhe - your father was killed by a wild animal - something like that, but not entirely sure about that one bố mẹ m là súc vật à - Are your parents animals?
  4. 1. Archon2. Vegas3. 4.6 and 4.2 I believe 4. Rainy 5.
  5. I don't use any third-party programs for that, I basically just press the Screenshot button on my keyboard and that's it, also pressing it multiple times didn't do anything
  6. Nothing like that happens when I press the screenshot button, I don't get any message in the system chat, here look at the screenshot I took just now in-game
  7. You need to click on them, if that doesn't work then am not sure what do you mean by that, everything on them is very visible and readable. As for the "no date" am not sure what you mean by that, where is the date supposed to show, I have a in-game server clock in top left corner but there is no date on it, there is no date visible ever there or anywhere on the screen.
  8. 1. Archon2. Vegas3. 4.2 I think? Maybe 4.6 too, can't understand it fully4. MILF + Prince 5.
  9. kamicat1

    Vegas / 4.2

    1. Archon2. Vegas3. 4.24. SPINNAKER5.
  10. You know you can just go into the game files and for example change the look of lvl 1 wings, removing the file, taking the lvl 3 wings file, naming it the same as lvl 1 wing file, and your lvl 1 wings will look like lvl 3 wings, right? Same goes for all the wings and capes really, if you don't like how the old ones look.
  11. 3 lines of comprehensive text and easy to understand explanation is too much for you to handle? Well no wonder I guess, pitiful. And nothing I said was racist so don't play the victim card here, pathetic.
  12. All I said was "Enjoy the ban" after you said all the things you said, so don't pretend like you said this because I said something or because I killed you in a PvP enabled zone. Also telling me to grow up and be a man does nothing, boomer and third world quote that nobody with an actual brain cares about, nor do I care about you calling me a "crying little girl" if to you, someone reporting your offense, means crying, then I have nothing logical to say to you since you clearly won't be able to comprehend it, so I leave you with this. You talk about growing up and being a man, how about you deal with the consequences of what you said, clown.
  13. 1. Archon2. Vegas3. 4.2 + 4.34. TRONADOR5.
  14. This is the case with all the servers really, its happening on Vegas since the start and is still going on till now, every rare mob/boss spawn is camped by 1 guild, maybe 2, players that are not part of those guilds have 0% chance of actually progressing far on this server without having to spend 100's of $ to buy things with real money.
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