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Found 62 results

  1. hi admin mubless , i use my mubless game login account is dangtinh1 , discor account is BonBon . I sell 2 feather condor to the person whose login account mu bless game is franco54 , his discor account is named Franco for 800 bon web to my account . I will give him my 2 feather condor first then he will give me the web bon. i would like to ask admin to confirm our transaction , thank you very much , have a nice day admin
  2. 1: please speed 0.25 to see all 2: Beasty personally, just SM wing 3 set of Legend + 14 from Open sever days, It said it was a god and killed all Member VietNam in 1Sec 3:Beasty personally is a Quest master, and the Zukas Guild system just wants to win and doesn't want to lose. 4: If you win, curse and accept yourself as "God", when you lose, denounce hacking all member viet nam 5: review the clip at 0.25 speed that Beasty reported. You'll see it doesn't even have SD = 0 6: Our team is full wing lv5 + pet. Set of High Level items. personal super . wing 5 + 15 x2 dame set Venom 4mana 4dd + 15 8% dd Full ring pen + 15 You are losing a lot in terms of items, you personally have to know that, you have been very uneducated in the past time, and put a lot of pressure on JayB's team. We forbid us to comment on discord and Frum to prevent the Vietnamese members from being explained. 7: You guys call us dogs, and insult Vietnamese people, But admin doesn't care what we say, and you guys overdo it. 8: We try to make excuses for the mistakes of the guild members. =>> this is a game of the whole world, not a game created by you, and Vietnam is never afraid of you. Please do your duty well. I hope ADMs, Mods do well on Denunciation issues fairly. You can't let individuals like Beasty abuse their authority. Thanks You
  3. Sever: x50 Avalon Char: -sSuperRich 1: My teammates applied Bel4's rule to turn on anti-hack in the game file. But the system failed, here is the video to prove it. He deleted the game and re-downloaded the game but still can't access the game. 2: since the time of the report, he has applied the : anti hack and can't access the game, and he is not online, our friends who are online are not the owner id. 3: We are committed to complying with the laws of Bel4 and ADM. If you agree, please access his computer with computer access software and help him enter the game when turned on: anti hack. 4: If we don't follow the rules, we will pay a fine Thanks you
  4. My nickname: RAMADA2. Game server: Avalon x503. Rule 2.2 ( hack speed)4. Char : Teddy he stood still and did not move his body monster died last 20 seconds left he's out devil square not get to the top exp hack2_Trim.mp4
  5. 1.SnoopDogg , ysuro2 , Avalon sub2, Arkania 2.Куплено на сайте 3.17/07/2023 20:51 +- 4.Через трейд передавал с твинка(Zhbr) проходку Kalima 6. После подтверждения трейда, пропал Армор , проходка передалась. 5. Jokers Valiant Armor+9. Был на персонаже , забрал с банка Valiant items +11-13 +dd+hp, Jokers Valiant Armor переложил в инвентарь. 6. нет 7. нет
  6. 1) char name: JayB We need an answer from ADM our char Sm Wing 5 + set Gran soul 4dd mana 4hp + 15 Full 8% Dd shird + Last Stick F0 + 15 The amount of damage we deal is too low compared to the Guild's Char Beasty and shinobi: Zukas they are just low level set items + 13 Wing 3 they can all survive and kill us in 1S ( 1 combo ) and they have never been prosecuted for their behavior and ability to cheat. As for us, the Vietnamese players, we have helped and devoted a lot to the game to fight them, as long as there are error situations they will report and we will be banded, and they have any reason. Can't complain no matter what. We are also human, we need fairness when participating in the Game, if there is any case of using Vietnamese cheats, I represent the Vietnamese members to ban them permanently, and we also hope want that with players from other countries. Please do not despise Vietnamese members. thank you. give us the answer eg: Beasty wing 3 set Lvl3 + 13 we pvp him : Miss miss and can't kill him, but he only needs to kill us in 1s. Is it his ability or is it a scam
  7. id: quyet0506 Char: ThannSauu Time Item was stolen: 11h30 - 2h00 Time VietNam Item: Duranium Shied + 11 , Option 4 %HP 5% Ref , No Luck . + Gem .... Please help us deal with thieves
  8. "COBETHUK"Avalon x50. Добрый вечер,к моему сожалению мой персонаж был незаслуженно или ошибочно заблокирован и помещен в тюрьму на 7 суток. Причиной была тема от игрока beasty об AFKшерах на ивенте TDM где из списка никнеймов был указан и мой и прикреплен ютуб ролик длительностью 0:56 секунд. Доступ к моему персонажу,а так же мой аккаунт на авалоне был закрыт,забанен. Я буквально лишился всего,что называется "игра" на этом сервере.Я не смог ни качать персонажа и поднимать уровни, ни ходить на ивенты,ничего.И помимо этого меня лишили возможности распоряжатся Bon,все мои сбережения были лишь на этом аккаунте, то есть я не смог буквально зарабатывать на рынке,я не мог покупать,продавать,перепродавать,ничего,меня лишили всего. И мною была созданна тема,дабы отстоять свою непричастность где мне даже не пришлось ничего ПРИВНОСИТЬ или ДОКАЗЫВАТЬ, в ней я всего-лишь просил пересмотреть тот же приложенный игроком видеоролик,в котором я якобы стою AFK. Говорю сразу,что я безусловно поддерживаю такого рода проверки и наказания,модераторы вносят много в поддержании баланса на сервере и это заслуживает уважения. И спустя время мне был выдан разбан, потому что на том же видеоролике я НЕ находился в AFK и соответственно я ничего не нарушил. Провел я в бане больше суток, с 17:18 03.07. по 23:30 04.07 . ошибочно обвинен и лишен всех видов игры,развития персонажа,походов на ивенты а также с заблокированным аккаунтом,бонами на нем и доступу к рынку. Все мы люди, ошибки это опыт,и мы бы без них не так прогрессировали. Возникает вопрос о справедливости. Вы не поймите меня не правильно,я ни в коем случае ничего не требую. Но я был лишен всего, все что я мог это сидеть на форуме и ждать ответа, ибо я,не нарушевший ничего,был уже забанен. Вопрос такой, положено ли мне хоть какой-то вид компенсации или нет и это в порядке допустимого?Не поймите не правильно,но я был ложно обвинен и БУКВАЛЬНО отсидел больше суток (2 вечера) за Ошибку, которую допустил даже не я. Буду рад узнать ответ.
  9. "COBETHUK" Avalon x50. Здравия не спящим и не смотрящим)Приношу искреннее негодование в вашу сторону) Понимаю,мой провтык что не написал вам еще ранее,интеренет в днр он такой) Но все же, сколь невозмутимо и в недоумении было мое лицо,когда я не смог зайти как на сайт,так и на персонажа на авалон.Понимаю,у вас тонны работы,вы трудитесь не покладая рук,вы вносите в проект нужную крупицу для поддержания баланса и справедливости и это невозможно отрицать.Суть этого сообщения,к моему сожелениею, о необходимости отстоять свою сторону,как НЕОБОСНОВАННО обвиненную и забаненную.В тюрьме есть тема от игрока "Beasty",хороший игрок и его тема насчет афк в тдм безусловно важна,ибо это влияет на общий баланс в игре и с этой стороны я его определенно поддерживаю.Но..в виду им приложенного 0:56 секундного ролика где фигурирует мой персонаж и указании его как ВИНОВАТОГО он был забанен.Пересмотрев данный 0:56 сек ролик и освежив свою память еще раз я считаю,что персонаж под ником "COBETHUK" за отведенные в ролике 0:56 секунд под прикольную музыку все-же не находился в недвижении(AFK),проявляя потуги к противостоянию вражеской команде.Да,согласен,СМ 35 ресетов в анубисе +9 с сс посохом не такой страшний противник,но я настаиваю,что бы вы ЕЩЕ раз пересмотрели этот 0:56 секундный ролик и УДЕЛИЛИ,внимание персонажу COBETHUK,который в свою очередь,даже за 56 сек не стоял афк,а поддерживал ивент своим активом.Все мы люди,все совершают ошибки,еще раз повторюсь,я только за такого рода проверки и чистки.Но,раз уж вы уделили свое время что бы забанить персонажа COBETHUK,уделите,пожалуйста,еще раз свое время на перепросмотр 0:56 сек ютуб видео и пересмотрите то,что вы вынесли,как ответственное лицо.
  10. jayb

    X50 Deal

    1) Sever: Avalon 2) Your Nickname: JayB 3) What exactly are you selling: Elitte Horse 4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party): 11000 PP 5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick): id: daniels937 , Char: MrDaniels 6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree): I send daniels937 link donate paypal, daniels937 donate 11000PP to my account Zgames and then i will Elitte Horse 7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. Agree
  11. Dear Mr. Ivan Please check this situation " Using profanity in the game" with character "1DITVAOMOM" with the link of his information from bellow link https://mu.bless.gs/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=1DITVAOMOM&serv=server3 And these is picture about his activity Please give a check! Thank you!
  12. https://youtu.be/rmcck-oGoYU https://youtu.be/iKqwS0DLHCs I cant hit damage into him , it normal with other people .
  13. Dear Mr. Ivan Please check this situation " Using profanity in the game" with character "1DITVAOMOM" with the link of his information from bellow link https://mu.bless.gs/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=1DITVAOMOM&serv=server3 And these is picture about his activity Please give a check! Thank you!
  14. Dear Mr. Ivan Please check this situation " Using profanity in the game" with character "1DITVAOMOM" with the link of his information from bellow link https://mu.bless.gs/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=1DITVAOMOM&serv=server3 And these is pictur e about his activity Please give a check! Thank you!
  15. Char: HoaNgocLan I was doing a Quest, He came and killed me, Then he cursed me Fck you dog. I did nothing to him. After he cursed at me, I cursed him back, and he took advantage of the rights of a streamer and my band, and he was free. is there any fairness here? Char: SlabiyDL
  16. 1. My nickname: Xymeth2. Game server: Master3. Rule clause that was violated by the offender: 2.24. Nickname of the offender: SuperMariO5. Proof: He's been doing it before already in BA and Kanturu Domination but haven't got a chance to record a video. But this time I had. Please analyzed the video and I hope you come up with legal and fairness decision that would stop this person from doing such illegal or against the rules gameplay.
  17. send reload: 1: I don't know what position you hold in mu.bless.gs . system 2: you don't work with me, i don't work for you. you shouldn't threaten me. 3: everything is right or wrong you should tell the truth don't make up. 4: My case vs BanDuT you guys don't understand the story that dragged the whole Zukas Guild to attack me saying that I was wrong. - I admitted that it was my fault, when I couldn't contact him, I texted Koostiso to ask for his help, but he said he used them for lottery, I have pictures image. and you say it's my fault and you don't have to return it. I begged you guys that I would take the TAX and please help me because it was me transferring by mistake. but you still disagree. until I reported the matter to boss Ivan and boss Ivan banded him, the whole guild attacked me with words. I don't need you to respect me, but I begged in a very gentle voice, You can curse me - But please respect our member VietNam and our Country. thank you for beasty messaged me , he is very polite , unlike you Reload . Bye thank you admin
  18. id: jayb , Char: JayB id receive: mawina char: MTP1 asked me to transfer 1k bon web to him to buy Sword. my mistake sent him 1 time in a row 1k = 2k He returned the sword but he decided not to give me back the 1k bon web I transferred by mistake. he used it right after in the lottery. I said it was my fault and I accept the TAX and hope he will return it. But he said he didn't return it and would use it. he even confidently said that he would not have to pay it back. That's my fault. but he should return 1k. We're playing your country's game. If you do that, you don't respect us. Hope the admins will support this issue. Thanks you
  19. I didn't get the Shard of Condor in last week's Guid quest Pless Please check for me: - MSLucifer - SV: x100 - Master guide: MSCorp
  20. ID : tdtd1902 , Name : iLeo , server : X50 Avalon My account does not use hacks, does not trade fraud bonuses. Please give me the reason or the proof!!!
  21. id : ximuoi911 i'm on devil square and then locked. mod said cheat but i think it's a mistake. it's elf buff, don't need any cheat, hack....
  22. my accout : ximuoi911 blocked for no reason.
  23. 1. My nick name: ||-Rich-|| 2. Game server: Mega x100 3. Which rule clause was violated: rule 8 4. Nickname of the offender: Spell 5. Proof:
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