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Won a Quest, but haven't received bonuses?

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This topic is provided for players who participated in quests, held by our GM’s, but unfortunately have not received their reward for winning the quests.

GM @Drakonis is responsible for deposits of bonuses.

To inform us that you have not received your bonuses, you need to reply to this topic using following form:

  1. Name the character
  2. Name of the server on which you have participated in the quest.
  3. Link from the forum topic where winners are announced (in event section).

Main reason why a mistake could happen is because; some of the nicknames of the players have a Capital “ i ” somewhere in the middle. For example: KilIeR – one of the “L” is a Capital “i”. So if you filling the form and you know you have a tricky letters in your nickname, please let us know.

Any flood in this topic will be punished with 1-3 days R.O.

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Добрый день. 

Я тоже всё ещё жду бонусов за форум-квест ''Удачная пара''. 

Ник: MAZIS Сервер: King 


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4 часа назад, mazis сказал:

Добрый день. 

Я тоже всё ещё жду бонусов за форум-квест ''Удачная пара''. 

Ник: MAZIS Сервер: King 


За этот квест ещё не было начисления. Начисляют по пятницам. И есть такой же топик для русскоговорящих 


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