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Dear Administration

Currently there is big issue on server with: Staggering, Desynchronization, Bug, Glitch or however you want to call this bullshit, further I will adjust this issue as "De-sync". Supposedly there was a client update that should of "fixed" the problem, but I am not sure. And this "De-sync" issue creates a very unpleasant experience when you're playing against someone who is knowingly or unknowingly using this bullshit.  
For context: I was playing against rival guild in Bless Arena and after he messaged to stop using "De-Sync" (My guild member didn't even know what or how he is using this "De-Sync" he was just running away from BK who was trying to kill him). After the issue I went into call on discord with rival guild member and he showed me video how he was flying through all map, so after the video I've seen I started testing myself what could be the problem.

Problem that causes this issue is that if you are clicking or holding left mouse button to furthest location on map where it is allowed to click, while BK is using his skill "Cyclone, Falling Slash, Uppercut". 
For MG and BK there is different issue. When you use skill "Spiral Slash" and after click to move backwards he is starting to "De-sync" which makes sometimes impossible to target MG and BK. 
Here are some video samples:
Video 1 2 % 3 ELF :
View from BK using skill "Uppercut" 

View from 3rd Person

View from ELF

Video 4 BK:
Using skill "Uppercut" and clicking mouse backwards

Video 5 DL:

Video 6 MG:
Using skill "Spiral Slash" and clicking mouse backwards

Instead of adding useless shields and low grade "excellent ancient" items that nobody is using them, I really hope that this issue with "De-Sync" won't be ignored and would have more attention so it could be resolved.

Thank you for your attention! 
@BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska


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Posted (edited)

qbaccaaaaaa let’s be real for a second—MuOnline is a game from 2000. It’s old, and with players from all over the world, lag and "De-sync" issues are inevitable. It’s just part of the package.

For example, try CrossFire. It's super popular in Korea, but if you try to shoot someone there, good luck hitting anything due to the lag and de-sync. Same deal here—some quirks are just part of playing a global, classic game.

Instead of whining, maybe stop investing in Pallach and invest in a better PCs for guild and you can rebrand guild from 10fps to NASApc. And honestly, all I see in those videos is you guys exploiting the system. Every click moves your character one block at a time. When you click around rapidly, your character moves in a bunch of different directions, and the game registers all those clicks.. You have to click like a maniac to get that crazy movement. If you just press and hold, it's not nearly as bad.

Seriously, accept that this is a 2000 game and stop complaining. Or hey, maybe Bel4enak could give up skating, coronas and free-time and make a whole new game!

ALSO Don't mind me i'm not playing anymore just salting in forum against you ! 

Edited by gohann

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Good work and investigation . But honestly the fix might be really hard . Either its super simple by limiting the player interface or opposite would be rewriting the client to get rid of desync completely . 
Quick fix would be add a delay for left click for these league of legends players who like to spam left click across the whole screen , another try to fix would be limit the distance of movement client accepts for movement . 
But honestly i think at this point the last stutter update can be ditched so bks are more balanced again , because clearly to fix this need different approach .

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Posted (edited)

I mean, that's really all there is to it. Devs would have to remake the game from scratch and employ a different engine. That is not going to happen, neither in Bless nor any other server. You either get used to it, or you stop playing - goes for every ancient game.

Edited by sixpaths

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