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Trung Ngo

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About Trung Ngo

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  • Birthday 11/01/1983

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  1. I also feel strange because you've been playing the game for a long time but you don't understand what I say. So here is a video to open your eyes further, pls pay attention to the event time and when I log in the game.
  2. No any abuse. Just out of game when Mangust said no damage, and moved out of map when logged in back.
  3. We have explained clearly reason above. If you exit the game (Alt+F4) at the last seconds of the event, then log in game again and you will be there. You can try to test it😁
  4. Không phải để cấm nhân vật mà gửi bài vào mục "Тюрьма" ? 🤣 Và ghi rõ điều khoản vi phạm? --> You're just as good at being cunning as a woman🤣 The problem is that Papa disconnected from the game when Mangust said "no damage" right when the event was about to end. Then he logged back in and was in Devias when the event ended --> Maybe he didn't have time to kill your monster there 🤣
  5. 1. Mega 2. Beer 3. Character vault 4. After using the "Remove duplicates" function on the website, the excellent were lost and only the non-excellent remained in character vault.
  6. Account: trungngo Server: x100 Mega Character: llGunnerll My character got banned on 22.7 then unbanned on 30.8 with reason have cheat logs. My account also have been in Liveguard on 15.8 Since my account unblocked on 30.8, I'm the only one playing this account. I didn't shared my account for anyone On 24.10, I got blocked with reason: Cheats or modified client was launched. Please help to check, if there is evidence that I have launched cheats or modified clients from 30/8 to now, I will accept being banned. I've been logging in 3 accounts (all are on the Liveguard list) on my PC at the same time, but only my account trungngo was banned Thank you
  7. @BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska 18 days have passed, plsss
  8. 1. Login of your account:- hoanganh2. Describe the problem: - My account was unlocked on 9/9 but has not been tranfered to x100. I can log in ID: hoanganh on x100 but there are not available my character and items from x1000.
  9. 1. My nickname: llGunnerll2. Game server: Mega x100 I was reported in a post here but I got banned for reasons: anticheat logs are not clean at all. Admin did not show anticheat logs, so can you show them to me? I wanna to know when did it happened? From which IP, is it mine? I spent a lot of time and effort on this character, so I can assure you that I never using any restricted software on my character in this game.You can check my IP & PC anytime, I always play fair and clean. Please help to check if I deserve to be banned so I can come back as soon as possible. @Ivan Nebraska @BeL4eNaK Thank you.
  10. If you know the person has cheat software, do you agree to let that person log in? For me that doesn't happen, except I don't know if they have And, if someone used cheat logs into your account and get ban, why not penalize that person?
  11. Hi @BeL4eNaK Have a good day, I'm the Gunner owner. Thanks for quickly check and letting me know my char have anticheat logs, but can you show them? I wann to know what time do it happen? From which IP? I can assure you that I have never used any restricted software on my character, you can check my IP & PC anytime. Maybe some people have logged in with guest pass, of course not from good friends Ember But if that's the case, there should be a clear investigation to avoid inhibitions from players Thank you.
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