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Ivan Nebraska

Modified character formulas

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On our servers, standard character formulas are significantly changed, as well as added more new unique modifiers. Some formulas are created to be universal for high stats as well as for low stats. For example, Elf's additional Energy damage is not relevant on low stats, because all points go to Agility, but may give a significant advantage, when several characteristics reach a maximum value of 32k.

Formulas might differ by 10-40% depending on server rates, but in general, always keep their proportions. Formulas, not included here, are probably made close to the original ones or remain hidden.

DW: 35% ENE + 45% MANA + 50% AG
DK: 90% STR + 30% ENE + 2% HP
ELF: 25% STR + 25% AGI + 35% ENE + 350% DEF RATE
MG: 90% STR + 90% ENE + 3% HP + 35% MANA
DL: 90% STR + 50% ENE + 50% COM + 45% AG

DW: AGI / 4
DK: AGI / 3
ELF: AGI / 8 + VIT / 10
MG: AGI / 4 + VIT / 5
DL: AGI / 5

DW: AGI * 4
DK: AGI * 4.5
ELF: AGI * 2 + STR * 1.5
MG: AGI * 4
DL: AGI * 3.5

MIN: STR / 8
MAX: STR / 5
SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10

MIN: (STR + AGI) / 6 + VIT / 8 + ENE / 4
MAX: (STR + AGI) / 4 + VIT / 4 + ENE / 2

MIN: STR / 6 + VIT / 14 + ENE / 12
MAX: STR / 4 + VIT / 7 + ENE / 6

MIN: STR / 17 + ENE / 35
MAX: STR / 8 + ENE / 27
SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 20

MIN: STR / 24 + ENE / 9 + MANA / 60
MAX: STR / 12 + ENE / 4 + MANA / 50

MIN: ENE / 9 + MANA / 50 + VIT / 14 + STR / 14
MAX: ENE / 4 + MANA / 40 + VIT / 7 + STR / 14


MAX: 30%

TELEPORT DW: During teleportation, Defense Rate increases in 8 times.

NOVA DW: damage multiplies depending on the time of skill charge.
DMG 1 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 2
DMG 2 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 4
DMG 4 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 40
DMG 6 SEC: (STR + MANA) / 10 * 100
With maximum charge, additional damage increases by 100 times.

ENE / 24 + MANA / 18
DMG: ENE / 21 + MANA / 15
HEAL: ENE / 15 + MANA / 9

potion consumption slowed by 35% 
POISON: loosing 30% HP continuously
FIRE SLASH: defense decreased by 30%
ICE ARROW: potion consumption slowed by 20%
Each debuff effect increases incoming combo damage by 7%.

DK: 70%
ELF: 100%
MG: 75%
DL: 65%
ELF - summoned monsters get 300% of DMG and DEF buff.

RAGEFULL STRIKES ELF: Buff, which increases combo damage.
DMG: MANA / 10

MG 32K ALL FORMULAS: Additional formulas for MG, which turn on when all additional stats reach 32767.

FIRST STRIKE MG: If not attacked for 10 seconds, the first strike will deal additional damage.
MIN: 125% (first strike cannot deal less than 125% of damage)
MAX: 700% (maximum possible damage increase)
MULTIPLIER %: STR / 175 + ENE / 75
Example: if you have 20000 STR and 5000 ENE: 20000 / 175 + 5000 / 75 = 114 + 100 = 214 % will hit your first strike.
If MG kills player, the first hit counter resets, and the next hit will deal additional damage right away.

DMG: COM / 10 + ENE / 30

ELECTRIC SPIKE DL: Hits for additional damage equal to 4% from HP and 16% from MANA of Party members around.



Dark Knight / Blade Knight / Blade Master

  • Min dmg = str/6
  • Max dmg = str/4
  • Combo base = (str+agi+ene)/2
  • Speed = agi/15
  • Defense = agi/3
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/2
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4.5
  • HP = 35+(lvl-1)*2+vit*3
  • Mana = 10+(lvl-1)/2+ene
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = ene+vit*0.3+agi*0.2+str*0.15
  • AG regen = 2+AG/20
  • Skill % = 200+ene/10
  • Fortitude % = 12+vit/100+ene/20
  • Fenrir base min dmg = 45+(str*2+ene)/6+(agi+vit)/5
  • Fenrir base max dmg = 75+(str*2+ene)/6+(agi+vit)/5

Dark Wizard / Soul Master / Grand Master

  • Min wiz dmg = ene/9
  • Max wiz dmg = ene/4
  • Speed = agi/10
  • Defense = agi/4
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/4
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4
  • HP = 30+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = (ene+lvl-1)*2
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (str+ene)*0.2+vit*0.3+agi*0.4
  • AG regen = 2+AG/33.3
  • Soul barrier % = 10+agi/50+ene/200
  • Nova max spell dmg = 1320+str/2
  • Fenrir base min dmg = 60+(str+agi)/5+vit/7+ene/3
  • Fenrir base max dmg = 90+(str+agi)/5+vit/7+ene/3

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf / High Elf

  • Min dmg = (str+agi*2)/14
  • Max dmg = (str+agi*2)/8
  • Speed = agi/50
  • Defense = agi/10
  • PvM defense rate = agi/4
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/10
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*0.6
  • HP = 40+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = 6+(lvl+ene)*1.5
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+agi)*0.2+(str+vit)*0.3
  • AG regen = 2+AG/33.33
  • Dmg buff = ene/7+3
  • Def buff = ene/8+2
  • Heal = ene/5+5

Magic Gladiator / Duel Master

  • Min dmg = (str*2+ene)/12
  • Max dmg = (str*2+ene)/8
  • Min wiz dmg = ene/9
  • Max wiz dmg = ene/4
  • Speed = agi/15
  • Defense = agi/5
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/4
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*3.5
  • HP = 58+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = 8+(lvl-1)+ene*2
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+vit*2)*0.15+agi*0.25+str*0.2
  • AG regen = 1.9+AG/33

Dark Lord / Lord Emperor

  • Min dmg = (str*2+ene)/14
  • Max dmg = (str*2+ene)/10
  • Speed = agi/10
  • Defense = agi/7
  • PvM defense rate = agi/7
  • PvM attack rate = (lvl*2+agi)*2.5+str/6+cmd/10
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/2
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4
  • HP = 50+(lvl-1)*1.5+vit*2
  • Mana = 40+(lvl-1)+(ene-15)*1.5
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene+cmd)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+(str+cmd)*2)*0.15+(vit+agi*2)*0.1
  • AG regen = 1.9+AG/33
  • Skill % = 200+ene/20
  • Critical dmg = cmd/25+str/30
  • Fireburst bonus min dmg = 100+(str*2+ene)/50
  • Fireburst bonus max dmg = 150+(str*2+ene)/50
  • Horse bonus dmg = 100+horseLvl*10+lvl*2.5+str/10+cmd/5
  • Raven speed = 20+(ravenLvl*4)/5+cmd/50
  • Raven min dmg = 180+ravenLvl*15+cmd/8
  • Raven max dmg = 200+ravenLvl*15+cmd/4
  • Guild size = (lvl+cmd)/10

Short explanation

  • str - Strength
  • agi - Agility
  • vit - Vitality
  • ene - Energy
  • cmd - Command
  • lvl - Level
  • horseLvl - Horse Level
  • ravenLvl - Raven Level

Wiki source

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"DK: STR * 1.3 + ENE * 0.0 + MaxHP / 55"


so energy a factor or?

it is x 0

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Do you know if any of BK weapon increase range of Twisting slash ? Weapons like Dikatana maby ?


Edited by hetman1989

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thanks for sharing:

As far as I understand, in COMBO, BK will not count ENE since *0.0 but normal attacking with SKILL ENE is counted:

DAMAGE DK: MIN: STR / 8 MAX: STR / 5 SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10

Is that correct?

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9 hours ago, tuando0012 said:

thanks for sharing:

As far as I understand, in COMBO, BK will not count ENE since *0.0 but normal attacking with SKILL ENE is counted:

DAMAGE DK: MIN: STR / 8 MAX: STR / 5 SKILL %: 200 + ENE / 10

Is that correct?

Yes, energy is not counted at all. Only when you use skills

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On 5/22/2020 at 11:58 AM, Ivan Nebraska said:

MG: STR + ENE + MaxMana / 4 + MaxHP / 50

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Dark Knight / Blade Knight / Blade Master

  • Min dmg = str/6
  • Max dmg = str/4
  • Combo base = (str+agi+ene)/2
  • Speed = agi/15
  • Defense = agi/3
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/2
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4.5
  • HP = 35+(lvl-1)*2+vit*3
  • Mana = 10+(lvl-1)/2+ene
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = ene+vit*0.3+agi*0.2+str*0.15
  • AG regen = 2+AG/20
  • Skill % = 200+ene/10
  • Fortitude % = 12+vit/100+ene/20
  • Fenrir base min dmg = 45+(str*2+ene)/6+(agi+vit)/5
  • Fenrir base max dmg = 75+(str*2+ene)/6+(agi+vit)/5

Dark Wizard / Soul Master / Grand Master

  • Min wiz dmg = ene/9
  • Max wiz dmg = ene/4
  • Speed = agi/10
  • Defense = agi/4
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/4
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4
  • HP = 30+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = (ene+lvl-1)*2
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (str+ene)*0.2+vit*0.3+agi*0.4
  • AG regen = 2+AG/33.3
  • Soul barrier % = 10+agi/50+ene/200
  • Nova max spell dmg = 1320+str/2
  • Fenrir base min dmg = 60+(str+agi)/5+vit/7+ene/3
  • Fenrir base max dmg = 90+(str+agi)/5+vit/7+ene/3

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf / High Elf

  • Min dmg = (str+agi*2)/14
  • Max dmg = (str+agi*2)/8
  • Speed = agi/50
  • Defense = agi/10
  • PvM defense rate = agi/4
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/10
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*0.6
  • HP = 40+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = 6+(lvl+ene)*1.5
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+agi)*0.2+(str+vit)*0.3
  • AG regen = 2+AG/33.33
  • Dmg buff = ene/7+3
  • Def buff = ene/8+2
  • Heal = ene/5+5

Magic Gladiator / Duel Master

  • Min dmg = (str*2+ene)/12
  • Max dmg = (str*2+ene)/8
  • Min wiz dmg = ene/9
  • Max wiz dmg = ene/4
  • Speed = agi/15
  • Defense = agi/5
  • PvM defense rate = agi/3
  • PvM attack rate = lvl*5+agi*1.5+str/4
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/4
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*3.5
  • HP = 58+(lvl-1)+vit*2
  • Mana = 8+(lvl-1)+ene*2
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+vit*2)*0.15+agi*0.25+str*0.2
  • AG regen = 1.9+AG/33

Dark Lord / Lord Emperor

  • Min dmg = (str*2+ene)/14
  • Max dmg = (str*2+ene)/10
  • Speed = agi/10
  • Defense = agi/7
  • PvM defense rate = agi/7
  • PvM attack rate = (lvl*2+agi)*2.5+str/6+cmd/10
  • PvP defense rate = lvl*2+agi/2
  • PvP attack rate = lvl*3+agi*4
  • HP = 50+(lvl-1)*1.5+vit*2
  • Mana = 40+(lvl-1)+(ene-15)*1.5
  • Mana regen = mana/27.5
  • SD = (str+agi+vit+ene+cmd)*1.2+defense/2+(lvl*lvl)/30
  • AG = (ene+(str+cmd)*2)*0.15+(vit+agi*2)*0.1
  • AG regen = 1.9+AG/33
  • Skill % = 200+ene/20
  • Critical dmg = cmd/25+str/30
  • Fireburst bonus min dmg = 100+(str*2+ene)/50
  • Fireburst bonus max dmg = 150+(str*2+ene)/50
  • Horse bonus dmg = 100+horseLvl*10+lvl*2.5+str/10+cmd/5
  • Raven speed = 20+(ravenLvl*4)/5+cmd/50
  • Raven min dmg = 180+ravenLvl*15+cmd/8
  • Raven max dmg = 200+ravenLvl*15+cmd/4
  • Guild size = (lvl+cmd)/10

Short explanation

  • str - Strength
  • agi - Agility
  • vit - Vitality
  • ene - Energy
  • cmd - Command
  • lvl - Level
  • horseLvl - Horse Level
  • ravenLvl - Raven Level



Ivan, does Wizardry DMG % affect the dmg of the combo: Spiral Slash + Twisting Slash + Power Slash? I was testing and saw no difference, just wanted to confirm.


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MG: AGI / 4 + VIT / 14

Эта формула актуальна?

по цифрам в С не заметно чтобы vit увеличивал defense

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So BK is significantly nerfed and at max stats, SM does DOUBLE the damage? Am I reading this correctly??? The SM damage at max stats by my calculations will be 50% higher than it would be with the original formulas. But the BK damage at max stats would be 20% lower than it would be with original formulas? Is this right?

Also, my BK has more HP than the original formulas should give me. But this topic doesn't say anything about HP formulas being changed. Is this topic up to date with the latest changes?

Edited by dyils

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DK: STR * 1.3 + ENE * 0.0 + MaxHP / 55


clarification Sir. using this formula does the mathemarical equation MDAS apply? 

if yes, then using my BK's stats, (2500*1.3+2000*0.0+37703/55) 

my combo dmg should be 685.510.

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10 hours ago, xpacho said:

DK: STR * 1.3 + ENE * 0.0 + MaxHP / 55


clarification Sir. using this formula does the mathemarical equation MDAS apply? 

if yes, then using my BK's stats, (2500*1.3+2000*0.0+37703/55) 

my combo dmg should be 685.510.

I believe your calculation is correct

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4 hours ago, Ivan Nebraska said:

I believe your calculation is correct


then if tis is correct, (2500*1.3+2000*0.0+37703/55) the highlighted calculation all equates to ZERO.

therefor, what's left in the formula is just MAX HP / 55. 

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2500*1.3+2000*0.0  = 3250  because its calculated : 

2500*1.3 = 3250

2000*0.0 = 0 

3250 + 0 = 3250 


2500*1.3+2000*0.0+37703/55 should be output of  3,935 dmg on combo

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I used the formulas here to somewhat approximate the defense, damage, attack rate, etc of all the classes at ~20000 points spent. Here's a spreadsheet


You can edit the cells in blue at the bottom if you want to compare different builds or better yet, copy the spreadsheet to your own drive

But look at the % difference relative to the original formulas. Are my calculations correct? Because my calculations show that Elf > everything else in Bless MU. Which is kinda dumb... my 20 reset BK is weaker than my 10 reset ELF in both PvM and PvP

I feel like this kind of information should be on the front page of the website... I thought I was playing original MU with original stats. Would have been nice to know before I spent my money donating and before I spent a lot of time farming and getting resets...

Edited by dyils

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5 hours ago, dyils said:

I used the formulas here to somewhat approximate the defense, damage, attack rate, etc of all the classes at ~20000 points spent. Here's a spreadsheet


You can edit the cells in blue at the bottom if you want to compare different builds or better yet, copy the spreadsheet to your own drive

But look at the % difference relative to the original formulas. Are my calculations correct? Because my calculations show that Elf > everything else in Bless MU. Which is kinda dumb... my 20 reset BK is weaker than my 10 reset ELF in both PvM and PvP

I feel like this kind of information should be on the front page of the website... I thought I was playing original MU with original stats. Would have been nice to know before I spent my money donating and before I spent a lot of time farming and getting resets...

Completely agree with you. Elf is tremendous overpowered . 

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On 6/19/2022 at 11:06 AM, outlaw4 said:

Completely agree with you. Elf is tremendous overpowered . 

Elf is strong at low resets, specially if you have crapy gear. 

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On 6/19/2022 at 5:20 AM, dyils said:

I used the formulas here to somewhat approximate the defense, damage, attack rate, etc of all the classes at ~20000 points spent. Here's a spreadsheet


You can edit the cells in blue at the bottom if you want to compare different builds or better yet, copy the spreadsheet to your own drive

But look at the % difference relative to the original formulas. Are my calculations correct? Because my calculations show that Elf > everything else in Bless MU. Which is kinda dumb... my 20 reset BK is weaker than my 10 reset ELF in both PvM and PvP

I feel like this kind of information should be on the front page of the website... I thought I was playing original MU with original stats. Would have been nice to know before I spent my money donating and before I spent a lot of time farming and getting resets...

you calculate Mg and DL by same stats as other classes, but they get more stats for resets/level, your calculation doesnt count that. Also there is First Strike dmg on MG what formula doesnt calculate at all 

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On 6/21/2022 at 7:46 PM, Karupapa said:

you calculate Mg and DL by same stats as other classes, but they get more stats for resets/level, your calculation doesnt count that. Also there is First Strike dmg on MG what formula doesnt calculate at all 

Yeah, I didn't bother calculating them properly. I'm looking mostly at BK vs ELF comparison and why Elf is buffed so much while BK is nerfed so much

I recalculated now with more points and with the correct number of points of MG and DL and it seems MG is actually probably the strongest at high resets.

So I still don't understand why BK is so nerfed.

Edited by dyils

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On 6/27/2022 at 11:27 AM, dyils said:

Yeah, I didn't bother calculating them properly. I'm looking mostly at BK vs ELF comparison and why Elf is buffed so much while BK is nerfed so much

I recalculated now with more points and with the correct number of points of MG and DL and it seems MG is actually probably the strongest at high resets.

So I still don't understand why BK is so nerfed.

Nerfed? Kills all in 1 combo and as now a lot of people use macros and never miss combos, you can easily get 3 combo a second. And noone can do a sheeeet about using macros. DL has no defence, ELF - doesn't die, doesn't kill, MG dies in 1 slap and has nice damage, SM can kill and live only if always in teleport and BK - doesn't die easy and kill in 1 combo. 

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