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Need some serious direction change

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Posted (edited)

MU is old game and Mu bless is best project i played but in last few years i can see massive decline in people and how much faster servers dey (we basicaly have 4 dead servers now including vegas-watching aliancer every sunday btw).


  1. VIP - VIP is the least of the pay-to-win problems, but it should not be mandatory to play. In my opinion, VIP should provide: invisibility, 25% XP (which would be a massive pay-to-win advantage since more resets make you stronger in general, and the XP bonus provides exactly that), access to VIP arena, more stash space, and access to the stadium. (NO 10% stats boost, as it is very bad for the game.)

  2. Remove paid power buff or cap it at a maximum of 177, which can be reached normally through hard work - Overcapping it is a very bad design.

  3. There must be a limit on active characters - I guess it's impossible to stop VPNs.

  4. Tax on selling bonuses is a super predatory sink from the administration and shouldn’t exist - We pay tax money in real life for buying bonuses, and we double on it in the game. We lose bonuses so that the server has fewer of them, allowing admins to profit more.

  5. Limit lottery tickets per day or per week - So people with fat wallets don’t kill servers like what happened with Vegas. The new server was dead in a matter of weeks, and now it’s dying at an exponential rate.

  6. More debuff on CS - People might argue, but why punish strong people? Some people have been playing for decades and join the strongest guilds, leaving no chance for any fair competition. If they weren’t so cowardly, they would lead or split into different guilds, but no, they want to dominate at any cost. This makes other people feel miserable, leading to them leaving the servers. Meanwhile, the economy dies, and even more players leave the game. In the end, the admin loses more money than they could have made from those who had an interest in playing but left because they couldn’t kill a single mob without being destroyed by pay-to-win 24/7 campers.

  7. Dinamic boss/shard/violet/ Ancient item drop mob respawn.  Mobs mentioned before must have time interval except  and only except BA mobs which is ok to be announced when it spawns. And all VIP arena mobs should have +- 30 min respawn timers so people wouldnt farm them on spawn and biger mobs such as condor shard mobs can have announcment that it was killed so people would have aproximate time idea when it will spawn so they could start running around and pvp for it.

  8. T here is certainly much more we all know, and the server needs to change its point of view if it wants to survive. We need new players, and I think we all agree on that. With the current model, that is not going to happen.

Edited by ducbk1
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There are some pretty good suggestions. I'm not sure they're commercially viable though.

2 часа назад, ducbk1 сказал:

And all VIP arena mobs should have +- 30 min respawn timers so people wouldnt farm them on spawn and biger mobs such as condor shard mobs can have announcment that it was killed so people would have aproximate time idea when it will spawn so they could start running around and pvp for it.

How about that. Some times ago, many ppls ask for another. They begged the administration to REMOVE the alerts so that the strong guys wouldn't know about them AT ALL, so that the weak players could kill them too. 

This is very significant. Simply because everyone who comes to the forum and offers something thinks only of themselves (almost always). Those. it's not bad, but no one looks at the possible consequences or thinks about other servers and other people.

In a month, another player will come and offer the opposite things. So the question is, who is right in the end? And why the administration must to change something all the time?

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3 minutes ago, Crаft said:

And why the administration must to change something all the time?

и правда, зачем чемуто учиться, если ты уже закончил школу xD Если ты конечно не считаешь, что блесс достиг совершенства и уже некуда развиваться дальше, то да, админы ничего не должны делать


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2 минуты назад, васяманн сказал:

и правда, зачем чемуто учиться, если ты уже закончил школу xD Если ты конечно не считаешь, что блесс достиг совершенства и уже некуда развиваться дальше, то да, админы ничего не должны делать

Речь только о подобных предложениях. Когда один просит что-то добавить, и через время другой просит убрать то что добавили. Просто тупо по кругу делать одно и тоже - отличная видимость работы, только какой с неё смысл?

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2 hours ago, ducbk1 said:

Limit lottery tickets per day or per week - So people with fat wallets don’t kill servers like what happened with Vegas. The new server was dead in a matter of weeks, and now it’s dying at an exponential rate.

@Artemy Shan вы же всегда закрепляете хорошие предложения, может и это нужно закрепить?

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I can sign under this. Most of it. P2W has gone too far. Yes, I benefited from it as I was able to just throw my wallet at some gear. However, PvP is legit gatekept by the wealthiest players, and barely any item can hold any value for long before the interest takes a plunge.

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Posted (edited)

This is a business just like any other thing. Ofc it will slide more and more towards P2W. Think of the fact that hard core players who are addicted and pay X amounts of $ hold the server up, not casual players. 


On 6/4/2024 at 11:27 AM, ducbk1 said:

Tax on selling bonuses

It is like this so that you have to buy more bonuses passively. You pay taxes every month to gov, what's the justification for that?

If you think about it, this server it is pretty premium for a game released in 2003. By now, 99% of the servers shut down by themselves, but here the administration found a niche and they are using it and it is working by the way it looks. You don't have an equivalent alternative, not even close so somehow they have to make money as well. You can always decide to play somewhere else, but you won't get what you get here.

Is it P2W? Yea, ofc it is. Is it ok? Ofc it is not, but when you think of the expenses that the server has and the updates and improvements that they make pretty much constantly then it is justified. Luckily we are allowed to play as well on the server without having to pay anything, because there are many other games out there that are only P2W.

Like if you really want to talk about improvements, which is another different universe, a season update would be nice, but then look how much work went into the actual season.

Edited by unair

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First off all, dont change VIP, and second Vegas server is alive, not dead, LMAO!

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, rufus7 said:

First off all, dont change VIP, and second Vegas server is alive, not dead, LMAO!

that's a good one.... if by alive you mean 80% of the server being bots, and the rest 19% is basically just free-to-play players that will achieve and gain nothing in this game because 10 specific people are controlling LITERALLY ALL the spawns of the rare mobs in the entire server, amassing literally every single possible shard drop and cc boxes and Relics and Swamp of Peace drops in the game, then yeah I guess its "alive", but in reality more like rotting.

Edited by kamicat1
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Posted (edited)
On 6/4/2024 at 2:27 AM, ducbk1 said:

MU is old game and Mu bless is best project i played but in last few years i can see massive decline in people and how much faster servers dey (we basicaly have 4 dead servers now including vegas-watching aliancer every sunday btw).


  1. VIP - VIP is the least of the pay-to-win problems, but it should not be mandatory to play. In my opinion, VIP should provide: invisibility, 25% XP (which would be a massive pay-to-win advantage since more resets make you stronger in general, and the XP bonus provides exactly that), access to VIP arena, more stash space, and access to the stadium. (NO 10% stats boost, as it is very bad for the game.)

  2. Remove paid power buff or cap it at a maximum of 177, which can be reached normally through hard work - Overcapping it is a very bad design.

  3. There must be a limit on active characters - I guess it's impossible to stop VPNs.

  4. Tax on selling bonuses is a super predatory sink from the administration and shouldn’t exist - We pay tax money in real life for buying bonuses, and we double on it in the game. We lose bonuses so that the server has fewer of them, allowing admins to profit more.

  5. Limit lottery tickets per day or per week - So people with fat wallets don’t kill servers like what happened with Vegas. The new server was dead in a matter of weeks, and now it’s dying at an exponential rate.

  6. More debuff on CS - People might argue, but why punish strong people? Some people have been playing for decades and join the strongest guilds, leaving no chance for any fair competition. If they weren’t so cowardly, they would lead or split into different guilds, but no, they want to dominate at any cost. This makes other people feel miserable, leading to them leaving the servers. Meanwhile, the economy dies, and even more players leave the game. In the end, the admin loses more money than they could have made from those who had an interest in playing but left because they couldn’t kill a single mob without being destroyed by pay-to-win 24/7 campers.

  7. Dinamic boss/shard/violet/ Ancient item drop mob respawn.  Mobs mentioned before must have time interval except  and only except BA mobs which is ok to be announced when it spawns. And all VIP arena mobs should have +- 30 min respawn timers so people wouldnt farm them on spawn and biger mobs such as condor shard mobs can have announcment that it was killed so people would have aproximate time idea when it will spawn so they could start running around and pvp for it.

  8. T here is certainly much more we all know, and the server needs to change its point of view if it wants to survive. We need new players, and I think we all agree on that. With the current model, that is not going to happen.

Have to agree with almost everything here. The game is run as a microtransaction business and it's not pretty. I've brought two friends to play this game and they both quit within a week after they realized the road ahead and how much they will need to spend. Telling someone they need to pay $30 a month for boosted xp is comical when even the biggest MMO's dont charge anywhere near that. I honestly struggle to see how they can attract new players especially if they're not nostalgic.

I've played for several months now and begrudgingly spent thousands of dollars but am not spending any more after seeing how Vegas unfolded. What a mess and money sink.

I doubt our words will change anything for this business but would be happy to engage in constructive criticism.


With all that said, this does seem to be the most aesthetically pleasing and best option for MU out there so kudos to the team for building this ancient game up for us.



Edited by newavalon
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Business or not, at one point they will have to choose between 50 whales botting on 20 accounts each, or hundreds of casual players who actually contribute to the longevity of the server. The way things currently are, there is ZERO incentive for a small fish to even exist in this pond of whales.
And I understand that whales are necessary for this project to be maintained. However, there needs to be a line and severe limitations on what they can do with their wallets.

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19 hours ago, newavalon said:

Have to agree with almost everything here. The game is run as a microtransaction business and it's not pretty. I've brought two friends to play this game and they both quit within a week after they realized the road ahead and how much they will need to spend. Telling someone they need to pay $30 a month for boosted xp is comical when even the biggest MMO's dont charge anywhere near that. I honestly struggle to see how they can attract new players especially if they're not nostalgic.

I've played for several months now and begrudgingly spent thousands of dollars but am not spending any more after seeing how Vegas unfolded. What a mess and money sink.

I doubt our words will change anything for this business but would be happy to engage in constructive criticism.


With all that said, this does seem to be the most aesthetically pleasing and best option for MU out there so kudos to the team for building this ancient game up for us.



30euro is nothing for VIP, always read posts like this in every server where i played, why u think server should run for free?
Its normaly to owners get money, they updating server, banning hackers and always active!

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6 hours ago, sixpaths said:

Business or not, at one point they will have to choose between 50 whales botting on 20 accounts each, or hundreds of casual players who actually contribute to the longevity of the server. The way things currently are, there is ZERO incentive for a small fish to even exist in this pond of whales.
And I understand that whales are necessary for this project to be maintained. However, there needs to be a line and severe limitations on what they can do with their wallets.

It is already chosen, and the chosen ones are the whales. It is simple. How much do you think is electricity every month, host and other expenses? Hundreds of casual players come and go, they bring no value. It's all fashion, they are here now, 6 months from now they are gone. But whales stay as you can see, just like a casino, you go in once and you leave, they don't care about you. They care about the guy that goes in every day! From there they are paying electricity, not from hundreds of ppl walking by. 

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But i am whale too and i need a toy to play with camon i cant play with my self

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7 hours ago, unair said:

It is already chosen, and the chosen ones are the whales. It is simple. How much do you think is electricity every month, host and other expenses? Hundreds of casual players come and go, they bring no value. It's all fashion, they are here now, 6 months from now they are gone. But whales stay as you can see, just like a casino, you go in once and you leave, they don't care about you. They care about the guy that goes in every day! From there they are paying electricity, not from hundreds of ppl walking by. 

Once whales get what they want, they move on as well. Compared to casuals, or should I say: reasonable people, they're not numerous. True, one casual might not be worth much to THE BUSINESS, but a thousand of them have actual worth. If just 10% of them donate, that's a lot. If just 25% of them purchase something from the whales, the whales have the incentive to keep the economy going. If there's ONLY whales, the server dies and it's that simple - I doubt you guys want to play at a graveyard.

You can and SHOULD choose whales in this business model, but you should also do it in a way that enables the whales and DOESN'T punish the casuals. That way everybody's a winner and player retention increases. That's what this thread is trying to address.

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Posted (edited)

I started playing on Origin maybe few months after it started. That server had the main server and I believe 2 or 3 subserves (maybe 2, but it could have been 3 as well, I don't remember exactly). The population number was huge, there was no space in Noria from wings and opened stores (at the time there was no market map) and those were afk players, the active ones were easily x2 or x3 the number of Noria afk players. The economy was so vast that you were able to purchase from the Noria market Anubis and Enis pieces of set or even an entire set if you were lucky enough only for Zen.

Eventually Origin merged into Mega, because it had no more players. It went from a full on x2 or x3 subservers to only 1 main server that got merged into another one. And all of those players that were active were casual. Where they went? They were not whales, 1 server with other x2 or x3 subservers and all of the payers whales? I doubt because if this would have been the situation then the population would have remained constant.

This is the thing with casual players, they get diluted either into other servers or they stop playing. I had myself few months of break.

From what I can see the administration is using a formula of 1:1 servers meaning every time when they open a new server, the server is compatible with an older one that's loosing players and eventually the old server will be merged into the new one. So from the statistics point of view they know what they are doing. I think the actually technical details are much more complex than a discussion like this which is just a discussion after all. We don't have access to statistics, trends, evolutions, medians etc.

Edited by unair

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