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Everything posted by Urmicoll

  1. 1. Urmicoll2. Jade x103. 4.24. Data5. He is seeking "revenge" because I killed him at Ice King a few days ago (it's ok he can do this), by killing me and a bunch of others in BA top spot while AFK. And yes, I'm not being nice either, but I'm not insulting him like he is.
  2. I agree that quest can be useful, but level and reset (especially level) always helpful, it doesn't hurt to have.
  3. This is good, you can also add the server like: MU.BLESS.GS - BeL4eNaK - SM Level 380 - Reset: 101 - Jade Main MU.BLESS.GS - Urmicoll - BK Level 400 - Reset: 101 - Vegas Sub1 Useful for players that play in multiple servers at a time, or, to simply identify if you are in main or a sub server without having to press the C and check.
  4. Urmicoll

    Chos drop

    +1 We have an ocean of Bless and Soul, and lacking Chaos, Creation, and Life.
  5. You might want to take a look at this post I created as well: VIP Benefits - Suggestions - Bless Gaming Forums
  6. Clearly, the SM stopped teleporting here to try and combo, that's why he died πŸ™‚
  7. @Beasty good, that way you can feel the pain yourself πŸ˜›
  8. 1. Urmicoll 2. Jade x10 3. 4.2 (corrected) 4. BlesseD 5. Confirmed by guildmates that speak the language that this is reportable. This person got upset because I killed them at Ice King.
  9. @-Koostiso- you are missing the point and did not read the post fully. Not a single person that plays another class different than SM would defend their teleport ability and its current state in CC, only SM players (and if they do, they haven't played against a good SM). You are only thinking about yourself here, but changing this is a major improvement for everyone and for the game. It is truly obnoxious, the way it currently is. P.S.: I'm not complaining because I cannot win in CC... I can in fact win, I just still think this topic's discussion is unfair the way it is πŸ™‚
  10. @-Koostiso- I'm not talking about any noob SM with "cheats". I'm talking about the top SMs in my server. This part regardless, is fair, I'm not asking for SM's strength to be reduced. You are focusing on something old. We BK's have already been toned down in CC, our HP pot consumption speed is reduced overtime. TP cooldown should increase with time as well. We simply cannot hit a good SM, period, it's impossible, there is not enough time in between teleports to land a combo on a properly geared SM, even if you guessed where they tp. It's unplayable the way it currently is (in a 1v1 scenario against a properly geared and good SM player) If you play SM only because of your ability to infinitely teleport, then we definitely should be begging for different changes to the class and not arguing about this (more power, more defense, more HP, etc. - but this, is a different conversation) Every class should be viable in CC, and no class should be "king".
  11. +1 we have been in need of this for ages.
  12. Reviving this post. As it seems that Jade's sub server is closing soon, why don't make it VIP only instead of closing it? Another suggestion to VIP benefits. I know Master and Extreme have this already.
  13. Reviving this post, this needs to be taken care of. Not only can they teleport without being touched if you are a BK, but a top SM can one shot you with one combo even having 300K HP and a good set. I'm ok with the second part, but I'm highlighting it because the "BK IS BROKEN" card is not working anymore for CC πŸ™‚
  14. @draciok7 - I believe "Killed tooltip" is what you are looking for. It will notify you when a monster or a player kills you.
  15. @WeeDox that's the purist mentality, we are not in 2002 anymore. This is a custom server, balance is necessary in everything. I can live with the BK as is, but it COULD be better. This is all we are saying. If you are a BK, I'm sure you have killed 500 Werewolf's by hand like me, it took me like 3 nights to do that. Whereas an SM, just AFKs with Evil Spirit and completes within a few hours. Regardless yes, we are the strongest class in PVP, but I digress, that is not an excuse to have poor PVE. It would be better to make MG, SM and other classes stronger in PVP to compare to BK, and make BK better in PVE. Balance is not easy, especially when you didn't develop the game from scratch, but it is possible.
  16. You can leave BK as is, but as the everything gets balanced in PVP, it should also get balanced in PVE. Example: require less mobs for BK quest πŸ™‚. A lof of the quests we literally have to do manually, there is no AFK choice (unless you want to wait days for a quest to end) The excuse is, that "we are stronger", then we have to suffer to get there (it's not a good excuse).
  17. Urmicoll

    +15 Glow

    Reviving this ancient post
  18. Yes I agree with no stats boost, VIP should be more focused on convenience. What I mention here as well is stats reset costing bons is not great for VIP users. As BKs for example, we need to change stats all the time.
  19. Another great idea, a lot of servers have this. You can also require a bit less level to reset for VIP players. Added it in main post tagging you.
  20. It's a double-edged sword. I like the idea, but the fact that questing in BK is harder also makes the character more valuable. You also have to consider, increasing range of twisting slash makes BK automatically stronger in PVP. Outside of that, is either increasing the twisting slash range OR giving us a strictly PVE skill that has some good range like Evil Spirits (less than that is also ok but you get the point).
  21. @unairI like the Rudolf on steroids idea. What about an unkillable Rudolph that as is a difficult to craft as Demon, but that can also pick jewels? Easy
  22. I like the idea of having more schedules for Team Deathmatch and Kanturu Domination. Right now these events are in the Morning/Afternoon of people like me in the east (I understand that a lot of players are in the west, but Bless team should cater to everyone).
  23. Hi team, Seems the Bless team is taking an approach to security such as Safe Mode. However, I feel it could be a bit better. Players have a lot of a valuable items on Bless servers, security is a must. Has the team considered implementing multi-factor authentication that integrates in both web and in-game? For Web Approach - Bare Minimum: ask for second factor code when login in (player's choice) - Enhanced: ask for second factor code when doing transactions such as selling items, or buying items that are 100 bons+ (these kinds of things should be a toggle for players which level they want) For In-game Approach (most important) Other Mu private servers have the ability to use multi-factor inside the game, with commands such as /lock (usually happens automatically on new IP login) and /unlock <2nd factor token>. Besides that, players could select the level of security they want when their account is in "locked" state, such as: - No trading - No teleport - No /post - No chaos machine at all - etc. Again, Safe Mode is similar to this, but not practical. Players should be able to easily lock or unlock their account, in addition to having more control to what level of security they want, and when. Let me know your thoughts.
  24. Hi team, This probably has been told by someone else in the past, but it doesn't hurt bring it up again. Due to the pricing of VIP on this server being expensive (30 Euros), has the Bless team considered giving us more features? The biggest concern is, why is there a Bonus charge for stats reset, character hiding and things like this for VIP users? I feel these should be free for VIP players. I would be better to have features like this for free for VIP players, instead of having some power buff benefits for example... Another great idea is to have less cost per reset (credit: @mux1502), less level per reset, etc. You get the idea: more convenience, less power spikes. Let me know your thoughts (I left a public poll for players as well) -Urmicoll
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