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Proposed merger

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53 minutes ago, BeL4eNaK said:

We are planning to move Avalon to Jade sometime this summer. 

Hopefully sooner rather than later 👌

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6 hours ago, BeL4eNaK said:

We are planning to move Avalon to Jade sometime this summer. 

Will the Jade server settings stay the same as they are now? I mean like, exp and amount of max stats for characters for example?

Or maybe you can make a hybrid between Jade and Avalon settings?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/10/2024 at 4:17 AM, Type-R said:

Will the Jade server settings stay the same as they are now? I mean like, exp and amount of max stats for characters for example?

Or maybe you can make a hybrid between Jade and Avalon settings?

Im also wondering about this . 
I simply recomend the thought process from administration to think for future , which XP they want for future servers so there are some diversity between xp when the new server launches.
Also take notice which server has been more appealing to players , which stats , which xp etc. 
Im not sure about Jade stats , but in Avalon , the balance is quite nice , simply bks seem to be bit broken with these stats . So some hybrid would be nice , although it would need more balancing.

Achievment wise , defenetely do some balancing , taking note that the jade is 6 month younger than Avalon so its fair for all.

Edited by edzayo

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On 5/3/2024 at 8:39 PM, zzxc11 said:

Hi Admins,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today as an active member of the Mu Online Bless community. Over the past few months, I've observed a decline in player activity on our current server. As someone deeply invested in the game, I am concerned about the sustainability of our community in its current state.

In light of this, I propose a solution that I believe will benefit both the players and the overall health of the Mu Online Bless experience: the merger of our server with the x10 server.I understand that server mergers involve logistical challenges and careful planning. However, I believe that the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term complexities.
I urge the management team to consider this proposal seriously and initiate discussions with the relevant stakeholders. You may think that this is just my personal one-sided opinion. Therefore, I hope that you can deploy a vote so that everyone can contribute their opinions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and collaborating with you to make our vision a reality.

Mu4Life x50.

no thanks


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Here's my opinion about the situation in Avalon. For me, I've lost the passion to play the game because every time I log in, there are only BA fights since I have almost everything on my BK. To keep good activity on the server, there should be something more than just BA fights at the end game.

For example, we have discussed this before - why not create some kind of quest system for gathering different gear to make resets? If I have 51 resets and 40 tributes, for the next tribute, I might need an item that is hard to get, which would require me to go to the goldens or somewhere else. Or even to make reset you need to participate atleast X endless tower , X deathmatches etc.

For instance, to make a reset, I might need to get leather gloves with certain options and enhancements, like +11. To get that, I would need to buy boxes, farm, and try to get that item or craft it. This would apply to every reset, with each player's challenge being different and randomized. This would move the market and make the game more interesting.

Even if Avalon gets merged, and some of the guilds get merged too, PVP players would keep on fighting among themselves. However, the other players who might enjoy the server options will not start or do anything because right now every server is dying when the top players have reached their endgame. There needs to be a little more fun added.

Personally, I don't see the point in standing in BA all day that buff is not helping much on CS either-way, and I'm not even doing that because I don't enjoy it since i am not playing with more than a one opened window ! 😄

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For rhis day Jade is alive and i think throwing us at Avalon would cause a disaster for Jade. In general there should be more proactive promotions going out of the bubble which is wider than our discord there should be systems wich would allow new people to satr joining old servers... Merging servers is just probably worst way to solve problem which is called lack of people.


If Jade merged to Avalon we would get demolished 2-3 actives gilds would be forsed to merge while there would be loss of players and if Avalon opposing guilds decides that they want keep server to them they could do that without much of resistance. Basicaly same as Trowing Vegas to Jade tbh not sure at this point Zurkas might win XDD






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