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    • Hi everyone!   I would like to propose an improvement for the SM skill "Soul Barrier", focused mainly on the performance of SM in party.   As SM players will know, this skill is vital to the party's survival in PVP, as that 30~35% damage absorption is quite noticeable. The problem is that in the chaos of the fight, it's hard to apply the barrier 1 by 1, and half the time the game doesn't "recognize" the action and doesn't apply the barrier, so it's necessary to apply it multiple times to each character to ensure that everyone has it on.   So my proposal is that this ability is applied in the same way that EEs apply their buffs, that is, a single click applies the barrier to the entire party.   This buff will make it easier for SM to apply the barrier and allow them to focus on fights as the damage role they are, and not on having to give buffs (which is the role of EE).   Hope you find my suggestion interesting and can be applied 😁!
    • AceCream / Mega Happy New Year, dear Bless!!! 
    • hello, the bug with swell life was supposed to be fixed but for some reason it came back. Now sometimes it doesn't work on the 1st use, especially on BA, is it going to be fixed again? 
    • Proximo / Mega С Новым Годом, Bless! ☺️ P.S. Извиняюсь за не самое лучшее качество фотографии - снималось далеко не на "iPhone 16 Ultra Pro Max Make Amerika Great Again Edition"... 🙂
    • А еще в лоренсии через статую и loren event. Можешь договориться, чтобы тебя в стадиуи пустили он там тоже есть или на выходные его выловить. 
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