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    • I'm Daemon, I've read the rules and I agree
    • 1. Bali/Mega 2. -Craft-(Mega) 3. I'm buying 500 web bonuses 4. I'm selling 700+tax bali bonuses 5. Daemon(Bali) https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Daemon&serv=server3 darztot(forum) 6. He put a few items on web market Bali with different summs(I'm send correct summs to his pm). After he give me 500 web bonuses.  7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything.  Yes, I agree. 
    • Добрый день. Я дико извиняюсь, 2 форумных квеста висят без результатов с прошлого года. Подскажите когда по плану результаты
    • А считается как совокупность очков? В идеале конечно 220lvl+- vs 220lvl+- и так вниз по левелам.  А то бывает 1 200лвл+ и 10 человек по 70) все на один удар
    • My nick : Chornx Server : Bali I would like to appeal this topic about me (Chornx). I have never used macros and in this situation I was attending DF event. I was communicating with my team and same time holding spot, what lead to not realise that my chat box was open. After i saw that im not attacking, I immediately pressed Enter button without thinking that it will lead to ban my account. Also as you can see those numbers are strange, dont think any macro would look like that. I hope admins can check it again and make a decision cause this ban is totally unfair. Thank you 
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