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    • Hello, how you can reset at 330 lvl if even on site is written 400 and reset option no availabe to click ? I also have question because in quest list i see that on 74 is reward experience. I see that In my Achievements show more quests done then have on my one hero. What happened when i collect 74 In quest, i get experience or its just show all quests from all heroes on account ?  Good weekend.
    • Просто достежения некоторые нужно сделать денамическими Напремер чтобы нубы могли закрыть сделать чтобы после закрытия голдов довали по 50 очков в ба за каздое убийство +5  ну чтото вроде этого чтобы все фракции могли существовать так как без остальных игроков экономика страдает и донатеры должны это понемать
    • 1. Name: zexor; Account: Kristianel  Server: Vegas   2. Was selling character in market, through Vegas discord. Who thought was a friend messaged me and asked to buy Character with all items, I couldn’t sell for web bons as I was limited so I put minimal of 12 web bons and buyer will send 1000web bons to my account after receiving password.   3. 26.09.2024 05:00 Roughly, I did message Support about this at approximately 06:15 and support requested I create topic on forum.   4. My Character in possession of account name “ALAWAKBAR” And is currently put my character on market for 4,600 bons   5. Excelent glorious set +13 +L +DD; Excelent Imperial Scepter +11 +Skill +Luck +Wizardry +7 Excelent Royal Protectir +11 + Skill + Luck +DD +zen Pendant of ability +max ag 8% + dmg +2% +wizardry +7 1x ring of magic +max mana +hp +4 1x ring of magic +max mana +zen +40% Cape of emperor +11 +L +ignore +5% Dark horse Dark raven   6. Was the Safety Mode activated? N/A 7. Did anybody have guest password? N/A   I understand I’ve made a huge mistake by selling like this, I thought this person was my friend but I was mistaken, I understand you may not concider to process the application but I’m really disappointed as I worked really hard to achieve these items and effort into getting to this stage of the game just to be tarnished by a dishonest person who tricked me into stealing my character and now he is has put my character on market to sell for himself, I’d at least like to see the character get removed from Vegas all together then to have him benefit from my character.   Buyer acted as if character didnt goto his account at first, I found out that he did receive it and told him he scammed me, buyer acted as if he was innocent and then changed his mind about pricing, our conversation states we agree on 1000web bon after discussing the value of items and after that he disappeared and possibly blocked me on discord.   Please see attached the messages and conversations of our agreement, there is also messages of buyer not responding and myself sending  messages that I won’t post on this forum because of swear words but I can send privately if required.   Thanks for your time !  
    • достига делается только двумя гуилд, остальным по блату или за валюты) если убрать, то меньше смысла донатом заниматься 
    • Его вообще убрать нужно. Достига делается только двумя топ гильдиями, остальным нельзя. Даже на экстриме где у всех фулл достига, всеравно толпой ходят в ба. Мол им гуилд баф нужен. Если убрать ги баф за ба, то толпой туда ходить не будут и ПВП будет каждый за себя чтобы очки достиги набрать
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