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    • К сожалению, логи банально не хранятся такое количество времени. Не говоря уже о том, что производить поиски за 4.5 года невозможно
    • Hi. Ban was removed, but please change the nickname asap
    • Alo 😄 tut nekto ne otve4aet kak rabotait sistema >?  nakormil po4ti 200 loto vigra6   1, power buf 5 day. ostolnoe Jeweli, daze melo4nuju 6motku nedal. a na webi pokazvaet 83 loto... kak eto >? v4ira bila 82. kinul 70+ pustih loto i pokazvait na 1 loto bol6e.  tut javno 4ota nerabotait i pahnet razvodam.  pervij server s novai sistemoi i 200 golih loto. prosta uze neponimaju estj li kakoita smisal ih pokupatj,  
    • Hello! im new in the server. Im argentinian person i speak Spanish Language, andim good like to lear english. I have a big problem Becouse i bought a character last days ago with the name 6abolda. The problem is that my account was banned for that Reason (Link to the ban explain) ---> master / 6abolda / 4.15 - Тюрьма - Bless Gaming Forums In my country it means nothing, becouse i don't speak other language than spanish. The second problem is that the character was bought in "Characters market" with bonuses, I didn't put that name to the character, i only buy the charactar and play normally... Maybe Third problem is that notis "Gabolda" is 6abold (number six) not is necesary to mean a bad word?   could you excuse me and get a solution??? maybe change the name of the bought character for another? and unlock the ban??  Im a good player, help me please.... what is the solution?
    • Hi, everybody! 04.07.2024 at about 21:45 on the server, game quests will be held on the server: Avalon! You can win just TWO times in one type of quests! You'll get rewards in one day every week - in Friday.
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