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    • ewe takoi vapros nu Esli u menea esty pa4ka Fo persov ka4eaiu dlea tributov v guild. i begaiu za asnovu v pria4iu za eta toje ban dadut?
    • Ето так виходит. На новом сервере не дали собрать камишки какимто бомжам)))) и давайте опять ВСЕ ламать. А не проще штоб если  етим НЕУГОДНИКАМ которим все мешает зделать 3 пачки на ту 1 пачку што им мешаєт и таким способом витравить)) А не поплакать на форуме и администрация как всегда делаєт "все для людей". Но вконце опять все плохо. Сервера красиво будут по 100+ людей и то максимум а не 2к+
    • Лучше 7 и более. Так как некоторые закрывают достигу на рефов. Создавая пати из пяти твинов ( голд пати) + основа.
    • Bots bring 0 value to the game. They take the economy down and they occupy the spots that are already limited. 1. It is not enough that players have to fight organized guilds occupying spots - good for the guilds here that they know how to play and manage themselves, 2. But now they have to fight with hundreds of DLJW27, 26, 17 chars which bring what value?  Decent would be 2 max 3 windows. U have a SM and want to grow a BK, ok 1 extra window. Or a BK and Elf for whatever reason, let's say ok as well, even though 3 windows sounds much as well. I go to BC and there is dude dragging 4 chars after him with follow and 0 items... Something must be done unless u want to end up a bot server.  As well give us the opportunity to freely PK these bots, if the community does not harass them they will never leave. In Ikarus there is almost always a DL on a spot at the beginning farming with a bot name, I always PK him when I see him there. He does not belong in the game. Funny you now only see them in 90% of the cases in Tarkan and 10% in Atlans and Ikarus. 0 bots on other maps though.
    • компьютерный клуб? они ещё существуют?
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