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    • Просили же нытиков не ныть. А так, предложение отличное. +1 на Твист и Блоу (чтоб блоу тоже оставался в каких-то моментах useful) было бы отлично, и не только на двуручки но и на одноручки надо. Может БК наконец сможет в ДС покачаться немного, как человек делать квесты в свампе и тд. В ПВП это не даст никаких преимуществ, там в основном бьют комбо (ветерком) и айсом - совсем другими скиллами.
    • at least change the KD/ASTE schedule, which are the most important events playing at 21:30 or 22:30 KD/ASTE would be a big change for people who don't play from Europe and I don't think it would affect playing 1 or 2 hours later, it would still be early for Europe With this change, during the week the events would be more active and not only on weekends and it is even difficult to play on weekends with this schedule 😄  
    • My ingame name: -Cannawiz Since in mega major part of the game now if the pvp events i would like to up to discussion the possibility to wider the range between events. Make then more at server night time at least one event for those who never can attend such as vietnamese and myself. As primary suggest i would recommend kanturu night to be later in 2-6 hours. Or as alternative add new event for the night. At this point of the game where most acticity is pvp i think we need at least one(can be more)during night  otherwise there is not much to do.
    • Ty 🙂  No im in Vegas but thanks for gesture 🙂
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