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    • Stefance = Master 3 9 17 22 25 33 36
    • Ну уже более месяца назад говорили сделать плавающий респ чтобы с тайминг ботами не фармили, да тут всем похуй чел, забей. В копилку плавающего респа спрошу где тот чел что просил убрать оповещения с свампа, интересно сколько шардов он "случайно" нафармил.
    • Samsung / Extreme 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24
    • -Damien- / Extreme a1 - b1 - c1 - d1 - d2 - d3 - e3 - e4 - f4 - f5 - f6    Монстры на клетках: c3 - e5
    • This is a business just like any other thing. Ofc it will slide more and more towards P2W. Think of the fact that hard core players who are addicted and pay X amounts of $ hold the server up, not casual players.  4.  It is like this so that you have to buy more bonuses passively. You pay taxes every month to gov, what's the justification for that? If you think about it, this server it is pretty premium for a game released in 2003. By now, 99% of the servers shut down by themselves, but here the administration found a niche and they are using it and it is working by the way it looks. You don't have an equivalent alternative, not even close so somehow they have to make money as well. You can always decide to play somewhere else, but you won't get what you get here. Is it P2W? Yea, ofc it is. Is it ok? Ofc it is not, but when you think of the expenses that the server has and the updates and improvements that they make pretty much constantly then it is justified. Luckily we are allowed to play as well on the server without having to pay anything, because there are many other games out there that are only P2W. Like if you really want to talk about improvements, which is another different universe, a season update would be nice, but then look how much work went into the actual season.
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