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    • In this case you do not need a main char that will grow other chars. You can do this with 1 single char that has 0 resets. There is no obstacle in obtaining anything: Jewels, items, quests, XP literally if you start now a new char you have access to all content with small exceptions here and there. What is the point of growing 5 chars at the same time when the end game has nothing to offer? You reach end game and then what? You have no sets, no drops, your char is not strong enough for PVP because you only farmed XP...  And ppl that only have 1 account and grow separate chars in 1 account when they go to spot and they find a dude growing 5 accounts at once... How is this normal? Where is the free spot for the casual dude enjoying the game? I play for maybe 2 years now and I'm still not close to lvl 3 wings and I'm active! Now imagine the dude that's rushing through the content. What kind of chars is he going to have? The only benefit here will be the numbers. 1 guy playing 5 accounts, statistically it will show a high population, but in reality proportion is 1 player to 5 bots so it will be a bot server. You put yourself in a new player's position. You see this server and think OMG it has a high number of players and then you start playing and see that there is almost 0 interaction between players, majority of spots are taken by bot accounts, in BC one retard drags 5 other cars after him so you can't party with him and he takes all your XP,  you cannot find a guild to join,  you get PK'd all the time for nothing and others. You will populate this server and game with ghosts that will push active ppl away. Look at the Tarkan screenshot, same players afk there will be on spots and there are already not enough spots. What is the plan here to push active and casual players towards VIP because casual zones are full with bots? How many bot accounts u say will pay for VIP? 0 that's how many. This is not ok with allowing this many bot accounts...
    • @BeL4eNaK maybe, the drop is bug as it happened at the time, with the drop icarus with the feather
    • I have been farming the numerous MG quest drops. I have easily gotten the Horn of Hell Maine and Feather of Phoenix, but the Flame of the Death Beam Knight will NOT drop. I have been farming the only spawn in Tarkan for 2 weeks now and have not gotten a single drop all while being stuck with the quest items in my inventory unable to move them...I feel that the drop rate on this mob has to be bugged. Anyone else encounter this issue?
    • Давайте Stun продлим на 20 секунд по BK, это сделает его еще имобилней, так сказать сравняем с землей эту непокорную тварь. Главное сами не запутайтесь во всем этом. Ice замедляет HP на 35%, poison отнимает 30% каждый раз, арроу еще на 20%, теперь еще и длительность и не понятно описанный эффект от пойсон. Самое эпичное то что поисон и др эффект дают даже если ударит совершенно нубский перс. Некогда не понятно от куда эти ноги растут, что, кого и с кем сравнивают.
    • Hi, everybody! 29.06.2024 at about 13:05 on the server, game quests will be held on the server: Extreme! You can win just TWO times in one type of quests! You'll get rewards in one day every week - in Friday.
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